Indoor and outdoor fireplaces
Open fire creates an atmosphere that helps you take a time-out from today’s fast pace of life and enjoy quality time with family and loved ones. Watching the fire and being present in the moment is pure pleasure!
We have been building indoor and outdoor fireplaces since 2001. We have built hundreds of unique indoor and outdoor fireplaces as well as various canopies. Thanks to our wealth of experience, we also guarantee the long life of our work.
Our outdoor fireplaces can be fitted with barbecues, stoves and smokehouses so that your outdoor corner becomes a real outdoor meeting place where you can spend the whole summer without worries.
In addition, we can build canopies and terraces for outdoor fireplaces and kitchens from a variety of materials. We can also offer complete solutions to suit the yard of your home or business.
We can help you design, engineer and build the indoor and outdoor fireplace of your dreams, where you can enjoy open fire and have lengthy conversations!
Contact us
Our team wishes you the best. We hope we can assist you by contributing to the smooth completion of your project. If you would like us to contact you, please send us a query.
We will reply within 48 hours at the latest.
Alternatively, send us a query via our contact form!
+372 585 303 48
We offer following services:
- Main contracting and subcontracting
- Designing indoor and outdoor fireplaces
- Construction of hand-plastered outdoor fireplaces and construction of kitchens
- Construction of granite outdoor fireplaces and construction of kitchens
- Construction of limestone outdoor fireplaces and kitchens
- Construction of artificial stone fireplaces and kitchens
- Construction of smokehouses
- Construction of outdoor kitchens
- Construction of wooden and stone terraces
- Construction of wooden and metal canopies
- Electrical and plumbing work
- Installation of forced-air furnaces
- Installation of ready-made furnaces
- Construction of chimneys
- Installation of modular chimneys
- Finishing work on fireplaces